A burger sandwich is silly and confused? You thought you were eating a burger, but it was really just a sandwich

Sandwiches and burgers are classic American fast foods that accompany the young growth of the new generation.We went from snack to big, but you think you really understand what is sandwich and what is Burger?

And what is the difference between Hamburger?

 Today, the food squad will come with you to talk about the dumb and unclear meat sandwiches.

Recently, a friend talked about asking the clerk in a fast food restaurant if he had a burger, and the clerk categorically said no. When the friend pointed to the burger that is common in our country and asked if it was not it? The clerk said it was sandwich.

After hearing this, do you hesitate about the three views in the past? Let's do a test first? Take a look at the picture below. What are the following two dishes?

Sandwich? Hamburger?

You must think this is sooooo easy!Sao Nian, do you look down on me? !The picture on the left is a chicken burger, and the picture on the right is a ham sandwich.

wrong!Sao Nian, your drawings are broken, the correct answer is-they are all sandwiches!

Let's move on to the advanced version of the Hamburger Sandwich Band XNUMX exam:

Wow~ the picture above is so many kinds, so much meat!What are these rice?

The correct answer is-I am still Sandwich!

Burger Sandwich Band XNUMX Final Exam Questions-What's Below

↓Tuna ******? ******? ? ↓

A foodie friend asked me for a tuna burger from many restaurants and asked me, is this a godsend? I can only tell you again that this is still Tuna Sandwich!

So has this question been cleared? ? !

↓Turkey Burger↓

This...this...then this way? ?I guess my friends at this time are not daring to express their opinions casually, but this mysterious food with turkey meat (cake) is indeed a 100% Turkey Burger.

Fellow officials, don't rush to growl! I'm not selling anymore, the encyclopedia decryption time is coming soon ~

In the Chinese world, it is bread and meat. The main difference between "sandwich" and "hamburger" lies in the bread. As long as the bun in the upper left picture is used, it is called a burger, and if the bread in the upper right picture is used, it is called a sandwich.

The essential ingredient for making hamburger-beef patties

However, in the American world, the main difference between "Sandwich", "Burger" and "Hamburger" lies in the meat, and in terms of coverage, Sandwich> Burger> Hamburger.

Only the ground meat inside (ground meat) Mademeat pieSandwich can be called Burger (whether pork or beef or other meat)

And onlyGround beefBurger can be called Hamburger

The standard and orthodox Hamburger debuts~

 In fact, they were called Hamburger Sandwich from the very first Hamburger, which was later simplified as Hamburger.In other words, if you call Hamburger Beef burger or Beef sandwich, it is correct.

In other words, beef patty can be called Hamburger

but!But any sandwich can be called Hamburger.

After decryption, let's review it again. The previous test question is Turkey Burger. Suppose there is a whole turkey sandwiched between this bread, what would it be?

Answer: BecauseNot meatloafSo it isTurkey Sandwich......

↓Croissant Sandwich↓

This is an anti-traditional croissant wrapped in slices of ham and beef... Well, the obvious thing is Croissant Sandwich. (Because there is no meatloaf)

↓Ramen Burger↓

I believe that the Ramen Burger that many people have heard of and perhaps eaten is just because it uses beef patties, so it is a fake burger, even though the outer layer is not bread. . .

↓Pizza Burger↓

To put it simply, what ingredients are used, what meat is sandwiched, and how many layers are made are not the old beauty's concern. As long as there is a meatloaf, it is a Burger!The picture above is Burger KingBrutalPizza Burger...

Let's talk about the unsuccessful thing about Penyou ordering Sandwich at the fast food restaurant. Because of the difference in food culture, some people may think why the clerk does not change and must pick our thorns?

In fact, in China, if a foreigner comes to a wonton shop and asks for dumplings, the clerk is probably at a loss. I have to say, I don’t have dumplings...

Because for us, wontons and dumplings are completely different things.As everyone knows, for foreigners, maybeWontons, dumplings (and chuoshou)They are all noodles and cabbage, almost dumpling...

Although who invented Hamburger has been disputed by all parties, Americans have always proudly considered Hamburger to be a model of American cuisine.

Not all sandwiches are called Burger

So let's summarize the team with the following-

The patties in between are burgers! (No matter what the bread looks like)

The meat in the middle is a sandwich! (No matter what the bread looks like)

In this way, when you talk to Lao Jia Lao Mei about the difference between Sandwich and Burger, maybe they will cast a look of admiration-I rely on you, an Asian who knows more than us!I admire you!


The test group of the writing food squad

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