Mid-Autumn Festival|Making mooncakes by yourself in the United States actually has a taste

Mid-Autumn Festival|Making mooncakes by yourself in the United States actually has a taste

Please accept the blessings of the good food team to readers and friends

Mid-autumn~ Good!

There are poems saying that love is always the best during the festive season

At this moment you are in a foreign country

Are you also missing hometown people and hometown flavor?

Today, food blogger starstar is here to teach you how to make mooncakes

Hope you are in this mid-autumn festival

Can create some memories about "Chinese taste"

Let’s eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon together~

"Tell the wind about love and news, and the wind will blow across the forest."

I saw this sentence recently, and I really like it, and then put this kind of like into the monthly cake made by myself.

This year I plan to challenge myself and want to do it in one breathPuff pastry moon cake.Snowy moon cake,and alsoCantonese Mooncake. Doing something seriously takes time and effort, but if you do it because you like it, every bit of the process becomes a pearl in ordinary life.

All of the moon cake recipes here are obtained from the Internet and friends (thank you!), and then add some of my own experience and experience, so I am very confident of the success rate of these recipes:)

Snowy moon cake

Snowy mooncakes are very beautiful mooncakes in my mind. Every time I make snowy mooncakes, even my mood will become classic. In addition to making primary colors of ice skin this time, I also used it specificallyGreen tea powder and chocolate powderMade green tea and chocolate. The stuffing for this snowy mooncake isRed bean paste and lotus paste. For the making of red bean paste and lotus paste, please go to the Cantonese Mooncake section.

Snowy moon cakes made by this recipeModerate sweetness,andSoft and glutinous, The taste is better after refrigeration!

I have two types of mooncake molds, one large and one small. When making snowy mooncakes, I use small mooncake molds.

The following amount can make 8 medium-sized snowy moon cakes.

Prepare materials

45 g glutinous rice flour (about 1/3 cup)

35 grams of sticky rice noodles (about ¼ cup)

Wheat starch 20g (2 tabspoons) (20g corn starch can be used if there is no wheat starch)

Powdered sugar (powder sugar) 50 g (about 1/3 cup)

Vegetable oil 20 ml (approximately 1 ½ tablespoons) (choose light and tasteless vegetable oils such as corn oil and sunflower oil, do not use olive oil, peanut oil and other oils with special smell)

Milk 185ML (about 3/4 cup)

Another: Green tea color ice skin used green tea powder: 1 ½ tablespoons

The chocolate ice skin uses dark unsweetened chocolate powder: 1 ½ tablespoons

Mooncake practice

1. Pour milk, vegetable oil, and powdered sugar into a bowl and mix well.

2. Pour glutinous rice noodles, sticky rice noodles, and clear rice noodles into another bowl (if green tea or chocolate-colored ones, mix green tea powder or chocolate powder at this time). Then slowly pour the milk mixture from the previous step into the powder, stirring while pouring until the mixture is even. Mixed powder slurry, useSieve1-2 times.

3. Put the mixed powder into the microwave oven, heat it for 1 minute under high heat, take it out and stir it evenly, then heat it for another minute, take it out and stir it evenly, then put it in the microwave oven and heat it for 1 seconds, take out Stir it evenly, and finally put it in for 30 seconds. After taking it out, stir it vigorously with chopsticks until it becomes smooth and even.

(To sum up: just cook in the microwave in turn 1 minute/1 minute/30 seconds/30 seconds, Every time you take it out and stir it evenly. The bowl will become very hot during this process. Be careful. )

After the ice skin is ready, it must be completely cooled before filling, otherwise it will be hot and sticky. It is normal for the ice skin to stick to some hands after cooling, and it can be solved by applying a proper amount of cake powder on the hands.

4. Prepare the cake flour: Put a cup of glutinous rice flour into the pan and stir-fry over low heat. When it is dipped a little for tasting, there is no raw powder taste, which means that the process is cooked.6-10 minutesabout. You don't need to stir-fry the powder, or the ice skin will be a little yellow. It is cake powder after cooling.

5. After cooling, the ice skin is divided into 8 equal parts, dip the right amount of cake powder (or through the plastic wrap) to knead each ice skin into small dough, and then press the dough into a cake shape, wrap it into the mooncake filling you like, Then seal tightly and knead gently to form a ball.

Note: The amount of filling in the ice skin is estimated based on the size of your moon cake mold. Ideally, the filling in the ice skin can just fill your moon cake mold.

6. Gently apply a layer of cake powder to the wrapped skin of the snowy moon cake, put the moon cake ball into the model, gently flatten it, and the strength should be even.

Then tap it up, down, left, and right to release the mold easily. Complete all snowy mooncakes in sequence.

Snowy moon cakes can be eaten as soon as they are ready, or put in the refrigerator to refrigerate. Snowy moon cakes made by this reciperefrigerationAfter the taste is better, and the ice skin is also soft and glutinous after refrigeration, it will not be hardened by refrigeration at all!

Note: Don't worry about the thin cake powder on the surface of the freshly prepared snowy moon cakes. After putting the snowy moon cakes in the refrigerator overnight, these cake powders will disappear by themselves.

Snowy moon cakes are really clear and very cool:)

Puff pastry moon cake 

The meringue mooncake made by this recipe is reallyCrispy, The picture is proof!

The following amount can make 8 medium-sized meringue mooncakes. This pastry moon cake uses lard. Although animal oil is not very healthy, the lard has a very good shortening effect, and lard makes this pastry moon cake taste more fragrant. There is also the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. Eat your own pastry mooncakes made with lard.

Although I used cup and spoon to measure the amount of each material, if possible, I still highly recommend using scale to measure moon cake materials, which is more accurate and the success rate will be high. My scale is like this

Prepare materials

All purpose flour: 130 g (about 3/4 cup)

Sugar: 1 teaspoon

Lard: 35g (about 2 tablespoons)

70 ml water (1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon)

Oil skin material

All purpose flour: 90 grams (about 1/2 cup)

Lard: 45 grams (about 2 ½ tablespoons)

Meat stuffing

Ground pork: half a pound (you can put more if you like meat)

Salt: 1/4 teaspoon

Old draw: 1/2 tablespoon

Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon

Minced shallots: 2 tablespoon

Jiang Jiang: 1 teaspoon

Sugar: ½ tablespoon

Mooncake practice

1. Prepare the minced meat: mix all the minced meat ingredients, and put in the refrigerator to refrigerate for one to two hours.

2. When refrigerating the minced meat, prepare water and oil skin.

Mix the water oil skin and oil skin materials in two basins, then cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove and knead separately.

3. Divide the water-oil skin dough and the oil skin dough into 8 equal parts respectively. As shown in the figure, pour a little dry powder on the hands and the panel, roll the water and oil skin into round pieces, and then wrap it in an oil skin ball, make a small round ball, and let it sit for 15 minutes. This can make 8 small balls.

4. Flatten the ball by hand and roll it into a round pancake, then flatten the tube as shown in the figure and roll it into long strips, then roll it into a small cylinder from the outside to the inside. This can make 8 small cylinders.

5. Remove the refrigerated meat filling from the refrigerator, divide into 8 equal portions, and round.

6. Flatten the 4 small cylinders prepared in step 8 and roll them into a thin disk. Wrap with mince,The seal must be tightThen, seal it down and press it into a pie shape by hand.

For the sake of beauty, you can use chopsticks to dip the edible red pigment at this time, and put a few small red dots on the surface of the cake.

6. Place in an oven preheated to 315 F/155 C, bake for 30 minutes, then turn the cake over on one side and bake the other side for about 10 minutes. Each oven is different, please pay attention to the temperature and time.

Cantonese Mooncake 

I praise myself. The Cantonese mooncakes I made this time were really successful. Not only the pattern was clear and obvious, the mooncakes did not crack during the baking process, and the taste was particularly good! It's almost the same as the professional moon cakes in the shop outside, I can't put it down myself, and the sense of accomplishment is particularly high:)

The mooncakes made this year are filled with lotus paste, jujube mud, five kernels, and bean paste. I love Wuren the most, the Wuren mooncakes I made are so sweet!

Cantonese mooncakes are madeStart with boiling syrup. The production of invert syrup also includes lotus paste filling, jujube paste filling, Wuren filling, and bean paste filling, please see the back of the article.

Each amount of Cantonese moon cake skin material is strongly recommended to be weighed with scales, so the success rate will be very high. I have probably measured each material in a measuring cup, but it is only a rough measurement, and sometimes the concentration of the conversion syrup made by each person is different, which will also affect the measurement.

I am using my big mooncake mold to make Cantonese mooncakes. My big moon cake mold can make a moon cake of about 175 grams. You'd better first measure the size of your moon cake mold, and then adjust the amount of ice skin and filling according to this size. The principle is that the cake crust and the filling should just fill the moon cake mold, so that during the pressing and shaping process in the moon cake mold, the shape of the moon cake will be well angular and angular, and the cracking of the cake skin during the pressing process will be avoided.

Prepare materials

1. All purpose flour 200g (about 1+1/4 cup)

转化糖浆 170克(大约1/2 +1/6杯)

60g vegetable oil (about 1/4 cup + 1/2 tablespoon)

Alkaline water 1 teaspoon

Salt 1/4 teaspoon

2. All purpose flour 100g (about 1/2 cup + 1 ½ tablespoon)

20g vegetable oil (1 ½ tablespoon)

3. Egg yolk liquid: stir one egg yolk and mix with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

The amount of cake crust and filling is determined according to the size of the moon cake mold. The amount of my big moon cake is: 60 g of cake crust + 100 g of filling + a salted egg yolk (the filling of Wuren filling is 115 g because it does not contain egg yolk)

Mooncake practice

1. Soak the salted egg yolk in the wine, and then put the egg yolk in the baking tray, without preheating the oven, roast for 325F for 7 minutes. Remove and let cool.

2. Mix and stir 170 g syrup, 60 g vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon alkaline water and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Then pour 200 grams of flour and mix well into a mass, cover with cling film, let stand for one hour, then add 2 grams of flour in Material 100 and 20 grams of vegetable oil and knead to form a mass. The moon cake skin should be as soft as the earlobe.

3. Take a portion of the filling and wrap it into a salted egg yolk (the five-ren fillings do not need to be wrapped with egg yolk) and round them.

4. How to pack moon cakes: Take a moon cake skin, use your hand to press the cake skin into round pieces, and put a moon cake filling on it. While one hand gently pushes the moon cake filling, the other hand, which wraps the moon cake skin, gently pushes the moon cake skin to expand the moon cake skin until the entire moon cake filling is wrapped, and then closes the round moon cake.

5. Integrative moon cakes: gently press the rounded moon cakes into square blocks as shown in the figure, then pour a thin layer of dry flour on the surface, put them into the moon cake mold and press it flat, then move the moon cake mold up and down Knock it all, you can easily demold. Complete all the moon cakes in turn.


The temperature of each oven is different, and the size of the moon cake will also affect the baking time, so please adjust the baking time accordingly.

7. Take out the moon cake, let it cool, then put it in a closed box and store it at room temperature. After one or two days, the moon cake will return to oil and become soft before you can enjoy it.

Send a box of mooncakes made by yourself to your loved ones:)

Invert syrup

The production of Cantonese mooncakes starts with boiling syrup. Inverted syrup is best boiled a few weeks ago. The longer the inverted syrup is preserved, the sweeter the syrup.

My conversion syrup has been done for several years, so I am very confident in the success rate of this recipe.

Prepare materials

Sugar: 800g (about 5cup)

Water: 300ml (about 1/1 cup)

Fresh lemon juice: 6 tablespoons

White vinegar: 2 tablespoons

1/4 teaspoon of alkaline water


1. Put sugar and water in a small pot, heat until the sugar melts, turn to low heat, and add lemon juice and white vinegar. Cook over low heat until the syrup temperature is 226F, and immediately leave the fire.

2. After the syrup is slightly cool, pour the alkaline water into the cooked syrup and mix well. There will be a lot of bubbles at this time, it doesn't matter. Wait until the syrup is completely cold. After completely cooled, pour into a container and store at room temperature in a sealed state. The longer the preservation time, the more fragrant the syrup. 

Homemade jujube paste

I personally think that the jujube paste is the most difficult to make, because the process of peeling the dates is very difficult: (

Prepare materials

A bag of 500g dried jujube

light Brown sugar 3/4 cup

4-5 tablespoons oil

2-3 tablespoons of wheat starch


1. Wash the jujube clean and put it in the pot. Add fresh water to the pot, and the water will flood the dates. Then cook with jujube until the jujube is soft and rotten, about 45 minutes.

2. After the cooked jujube is allowed to cool, remove the core and skin of the jujube by hand.

3. Put jujube mud in the pot, 2 tablespoons oil, moderately reduce to low heat and slowly fry, add appropriate amount of light brown sugar in the middle, fry the excess water, when the jujube mud is fried and dried into a mass, sieve into the clear powder and mix well. Just let it cool.

Lotus paste

My mooncakes are fried in lotus filling, mainly to make it easier to wrap mooncakes.

Prepare materials

500g dried lotus seeds
1 cup of white sugar + 1/3 cup
1/4 cup vegetable oil
butter 4 tablespoon, orange powder 1 tablespoon


1. Dried lotus seeds are soaked in cold water for two or three hours until the lotus seeds can be easily opened to remove the lotus heart of each lotus seed.

2. Put the lotus seeds with the lotus heart removed into the pot, flood the lotus seeds with water, boil the water on high heat and adjust to low heat until the lotus seeds are cooked very soft.

3. Put the soft-boiled lotus seeds and soup with water in a blender to make a mud.

4. Put lotus seed puree, sugar, vegetable oil and butter in the pot and fry them together until the lotus seed puree dries out. Cool and serve as lotus paste.

The lotus filling can be frozen after being sealed and can be kept for several months.

Homemade red bean paste

Prepare materials

Red beans: 500g
Sugar: Two cups (I know that there are a lot of sugar, the bean paste should taste sweeter, otherwise the sweetness will not be enough after the skin is coated.)
Salt: 1/4 teaspoon
butter: 8 tablespoon,
1-2 tablespoon


1. Soak red beans in cold water for at least half a day. Put the red beans into the pot, flood the red beans with water, and boil the water on high heat, then reduce to low heat until the red beans are very soft.

2. Put the red bean soup and water into the blender and break into red bean paste.

3. Put red bean paste, sugar and butter in the pot, and fry them together until the red bean paste is almost dry. Serve with red bean paste when left cool.

The bean paste can be frozen after being sealed, and can be kept for several months.

Homemade Five Kernels

I made this Wuren stuffing. Because of restrictions on overseas conditions, I used some ingredients that are easy to buy according to local conditions, and the method is also very simple. The taste of this Wuren stuffing is really great and very fragrant!

Prepare materials

Mixed nuts (buy by Sam's club) 1/2 cup
¼ cup of cooked sesame
Walnut kernel ¼ cup
¼ cup of cooked melon seeds

½ cup cooked glutinous rice flour
Lard ¼ cup

Dark brown sugar 1/3-1/2 cup (or increase or decrease according to your own sweetness preference)

1/3 cup of raisins

Original beef jerky 1/3 cup
1/8 cup of water (or according to the actual situation)

1. Use ninja blender to chop the nuts, walnut kernels, sunflower seeds kernels, raisins, and beef jerky. This process can also be cut with a kitchen knife, but it will take longer.

2. Prepare cooked glutinous rice flour, that is, cake flour: Put the glutinous rice flour into the pan and stir-fry over low heat. When it is dipped a little to taste, there is no raw powder taste, it means that the process is cooked for about 6-10 minutes.

3. Pour all the prepared nuts, minced raisins and minced beef into a bowl, and add cooked sesame, lard, brown sugar, and mix well. Then add the cooked glutinous rice flour. When mixing the glutinous rice flour and other materials, pour in water little by little, as long as the filling can hold a mass and the hardness is suitable, you can stop adding water.

Wuren filling can be refrigerated/frozen after sealing.

Wandering overseas, the same moon is above us,

We who are homesick,

Are you still facing an empty room,

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Whether after video with family and friends,

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However, this Mid-Autumn Festival, we want to bring you joy

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"Mid-Autumn Festival. Mooncake War of the Three Kingdoms"

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The article is reproduced at: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/62421/201609/1312593.html

Graphic | Starstar


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