You said you love hot pot, but you don’t know what ingredients to serve with which pot. How can you be worthy of what you love

Hot pot is the most frequently searched high-frequency word in the background.

none of them.

This shows how popular the self-service hot pot in many villages is. There are no less than XNUMX large, medium and small shops, which is beyond the reach of other places on the North American continent.

What is the biggest headache in a hot pot restaurant?

It’s not that your spice-loving friend said to you who don’t eat it,Forget the mandarin duck pot, then the mandarin duck potRight,

It’s not that you want to eat the tomato pot. Your male ticket says I don’t eat that girly pot bottom.

But -

Faced with a bunch of raw materials of different shapes, how to match them is imaginaryBest taste?

Pictures from the web

Some people eat the same dipping sauce once and for all, and they can’t go wrong anyway.

Some people like to make different seasonings every time. Some people are surprised when they hit the iron plate.

Of course, more people are hesitating about a large table of raw materials. I have seen frowning and frowning in front of the condiment table no less than three times.

As a former hot pot dipping disorder patient, today I will contribute a few recipes. It’s not as good as the others. Let’s enjoy the pleasure of eating hot pot together.


Basic articles:

1 garlic sesame oil dish

Mixing method: XNUMX tablespoons of sesame oil, XNUMX tablespoon of mashed garlic, XNUMX/XNUMX tablespoon of oyster sauce, XNUMX/XNUMX tablespoon of coriander, moderate amount of salt or no

Applicable hot pot: butter hot pot, clear oil hot pot


Many foodies worry that the Sichuan spicy hot pot itself is very oily. Wouldn't it be better to add oil to the saucer?

As everyone knows, Sichuan hot pot with sesame oil dish, the jargon is "Wen Jin Wen Chu", the dishes cooked in spicy hot pot are usually hot, spicy and very irritating to the stomach, so Sichuanese who often eat spicy hot pot invented it The dipping method in which sesame oil wraps the food is equivalent to forming an oil film between the spicy food and the stomach to protect the gastric mucosa. It is not easy to slip the bowel (commonly known as diarrhea).

Butter pot is especially necessary with garlic sesame oil dish, because most people can't stand the intestines and stomach of butter pot, sesame oil dish can effectively relieve the degree of intestinal slippage.


2 Fermented bean curd dish with sesame sauce

Matching method: three spoons of sesame paste, one spoon of peanut butter, one and a half spoons of fermented bean curd juice (one and a half for fermented bean curd), one spoonful of leek flowers, one spoonful of coriander

Applicable hot pot: Beijing flavor hot pot, lamb hot pot, ordinary clear soup hot pot


Hot pots throughout Beijing and even the northern region use this bowl of sauce. Even an old Beijing meat-shabu restaurant is good or not, and it depends on how thick and salty the bowl of sesame sauce is prepared by the chef.

Traveling across the ocean to Toronto, we are not so particular about it. The basic hot pot restaurant sesame sauce is all prepared, so just use it directly.

Some people use it to dip the Sichuan spicy pot bottom. It depends on everyone's preference.


3 sand saucers

Mixing method: two spoons of shacha sauce, one spoon of wild san pepper sauce (or five wild peppers), one spoon of green onion, and half a spoon of minced garlic

Applicable hot pot: Cantonese beef hot pot, clear soup hot pot


Shacha sauce is an indispensable seasoning for Laoguang people to eat fresh beef hot pot. If you don’t eat spicy food, don’t add wild sansho pepper. If you eat spicy food, add wild sansho pepper or sansho paste. Shacha paste with sansho paste is really more suitable than spicy chili. Give it a try.


Upgrade articles:

4 spicy sauce dish

Mixing method: XNUMX tablespoons of chili oil, XNUMX tablespoon of pepper powder, XNUMX tablespoon of soy sauce, XNUMX⁄XNUMX tablespoon of chopped green onion, XNUMX⁄XNUMX tablespoon of coriander, XNUMX⁄XNUMX tablespoon of sesame oil

Applicable hot pot: all kinds of hot pot


Some people are especially able to eat spicy food, but ordinary hot pot and dipping sauces are not enough. Then, try this recipe to ensure that it is so hot and sweaty.

Generally, I can drink half a dozen cold beer with this recipe.



5 Guizhou dipping saucer

Mixing method: one and a half spoons of soy sauce, one spoon of balsamic vinegar, one spoon of chili noodles, one spoon of chopped green onion, half a spoon of minced ginger, half a spoon of white sesame seeds, half a spoon of chopped peanuts, half a spoon of coriander, a little salt, a little MSG, a little sesame oil, chili A little oil

Applicable hot pot: tomato pot, chicken hot pot, fish hot pot, beef hot pot, clear soup hot pot, white soup hot pot


This dip comes from Guizhou foodie teacher Eva. In the eyes of Guizhou people who have to dip everything in water and dip different foods in water with different details, it is already a simple version.

The team’s practice proved that this dipping formula is particularly suitable for eating chicken and fish, followed by beef and others.

Friends who eat tomato hot pot strongly recommend this dip. People in Guizhou eat this way.


Side article:

There is a side when ordering, and of course the dip can also have a side.

This kind of side dipping material is especially suitable for dipping some kind of food after shabu (not the whole content of the pot), and it is also dedicated to everyone.


6 Beef Juice

Matching method: two spoons of seafood soy sauce, half a spoon of light soy sauce, 3-5 pieces of spicy millet (double for spicy ones)

Application: All kinds of fat beef in white pot, clear soup, tomato soup pot. The fat beef in the spicy pot is not suitable.


As the name suggests, this beef sauce is a dipping method that comes up with eating beef hot pot. I don't know where it became popular. The fat cow dipped in it is really hard to forget after eating it.


7 dry dish

Preparation: one and a half spoons of dried chili noodles, half a spoon of crushed peanuts, half a spoon of crushed sesame seeds, half a spoon of pepper powder, appropriate amount of salt according to your own taste, and appropriate amount of MSG according to your own taste

Application: all Sichuan hot pot



Sichuanese people eat hot pot with a sesame oil dish and a dry dish, with different things to dip according to their preferences. Generally speaking, sesame oil dishes are used for yellow-throated louver, etc., and dried dishes for meatballs and beef. But how to eat, how to be happy and how to come.

Do you have any unique hot pot dipping recipe? May wish to leave a message to us, or that sentence, it’s not as good as everyone’s happiness~

At last? The calories of the seasoning? You are all going to eat hot pot, what calories are you talking about! Go home after eating and run eight kilometers honestly!


This article is especially grateful to the Lion House. All the dipping ingredients presented in this article are from the Lion House: 8380 Kennedy Rd #C7-C13, Markham, 905-474-2598

Shizi Lou recently launched hot pot Maocai (about the difference between hot pot Maocai skewers, etc., click here to ask suicide! Maocai hot pot Chuanchuanxiang and Boboji are the same thing! No! Yes! No!) ,per person. As shown below:

A bowl of Maocai with a bowl of hot pot dipping sauce mentioned above is a feast for one person.


Written by Wendy

Picture | Grace / Jose

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