Give up the high salary of one million investment banks, a mother's dream journey

Lu Yi, entrepreneurial partner and head of Chinese Department of Kelly's Education, Bachelor of Science in London Politics and Economics, Master of Education from The University of Hong Kong, has worked overseas for more than 20 years. He is a former investment banker and an explorer of Chinese education.

When I was fifteen, I was selected to study in Singapore because of my excellent grades.

When I got there, I found that all subjects except Chinese were taught in English.

The Chinese students around me also speak fluent English, and it is difficult to conduct basic Chinese conversations, let alone exchange Chinese culture.

At that time, Chinese seemed to be useless, so it was not taken seriously.English has become a mainstream tool to meet the needs of education and employment.

After having children, we have lived in Hong Kong and Singapore for a long time.Like many overseas mothers, I also have a very headache. How to make my children speak good Chinese.

Although the home is strictly bilingual, children still prefer to use English.

They will ask to listen to stories such as "Three Little Pigs" and "Three Billy Goats Gruff" over and over again, but it is difficult for me to find a classic Chinese story that is also full of rhyme and childishness; I don't know "Fox fake tiger prestige".

I can also imagine that they will be completely attracted by Disney, Harry Potter, etc. in the near future. At that time,What should I use to attract them to take a look at Chinese, Jin Yong?

And having enjoyed the dividends brought by the "native Chinese speaker", I will have another layer of anxiety:

When Chinese children are struggling to learn English and become truly bilingual, what will my children compete with?Shouldn't we overseas children show double enthusiasm to learn Chinese well?

Facing the mature English education market and the colorful English learning materials, how can children learn more Chinese?

I don't want to force my children to learn Chinese.Since you can't "coerce", you can only "court".

How to "seduce"?I want to try and make someReally interesting and fun Chinese courses.

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Chinese courses

During the entrepreneurial period, I met many Chinese parents. There are roughly two ways to do it:
One is I think Chinese still needs to be learned, But there is no specific plan for the degree of learning, and the children are sent to the Chinese school unimpeded, and they learn a little.
two is Think Chinese must learn well, For the sake of the children, press their heads and continue to learn. 
What we want to provide is the third approach——Let children like Chinese and actively use Chinese.
Learning Chinese is like building a house, Chinese characters are bricks.Use inappropriate methods to read, but there are bricks on the floor, but I still can’t build a house.Just take out a few bricks and put them together. The child didn't know whether it was a door or a window.
So literacy is not just literacy!
Our teaching method is:One at a timehouse, Starting from the simplest structure, only a few pieces, And then demolished the house, showed the children a closer look at the bricks, and then asked them to build the house with bricks.Two days later, a few bricks were added and another building was builtnew house.
Not only did the children memorize Chinese characters, but more importantly, they knew how to use them.
E.g,First buildingRegarding the "grow up" house, the bricks of "I", "One", "Liao", "Grow Up", "Small", "Up" and "Down" are used.

Second buildingRegarding the "grow up" house, "I", "grow up", and "have" are still there, and "child", "change" and "no" have been added.

My team and I have been thinking about howTaking into account the fun and practicality of Chinese teaching. weDraw lessons from cutting-edge language teaching methods, and set upDrama performances, stories, singing tours, treasure hunts, natural and scientific explorationChinese courses in multiple sections, Determined to break "Chinese learning = boring"This label. 

Practicality: related expansion of "Little Tadpoles Finding Mother"

At the end of each lesson, parents can clearly know what their children have learned.
Learning Outcomes▼

Every page of Kelly's Education textbook embodies the whole team's thinking on Chinese education.
[Extended reading]How does a good language course train children's cognitive abilities?
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Course Record


Pinkfong Baby Shark Chinese Course▼


Traditional online Chinese courses VS Kelly's online Chinese course

❌  Traditional online Chinese courses:

  • Long-term lesson package must be promised

  • The content and style of the teaching materials are outdated,

  • Applying domestic language teaching, overseas Chinese children cannot adapt

  • The teacher is not fixed and changes frequently

  • There is a big difference between the trial class experience and the regular class

✔️ Kelly's online Chinese course:

  • A burden-free consumption model, No need to promise large class hours, the shortest one month to purchase

  • AI smart recommendation, A customized module course that truly fits the learning characteristics of students

  • Multi-module course, no longer learn Chinesedull: Drama performances, stories, singing tours, treasure hunts, natural and scientific exploration...

  • International team, Understand more about Chinese learning of overseas Chinese children

  • Fixed teacher, Rich overseas experience, one-on-one, one-on-two or small class teaching

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//"Speaking Chinese" does not mean being a good Chinese teacher//
OnTeacher screeningOn, we are alwaysThe industry’s high interview elimination rate.

The teacher not only wantsGraduated from Chinese major, Also haveRich overseas Chinese teaching experience, But also to understand Chinese education andChild Psychology.
We too understand how important a professional teacher is to children!

We take children to explore the world around them in Chinese, weave childhood stories, and build identity recognition. 

I think,Children of Chinese descent who grew up overseas have a natural mission-to be a bridge between China and the West, and to bridge the gap in this increasingly divided world..

And what we can do isAccompany, guide, provide the best environmentTo help them lay the foundation.

Now my child is also taking Kelly's courses.That’s why I have the courage to speak for our course and recommend it to thousands of parents around the world.

Kelly's Education hopes to work with you to provide the most suitable soil and moisture for children's Chinese learning, and then-wait for the flowers to bloom.

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